Lyons Township High School District #204 is excited to host a special virtual community conversation led by Dr. Tyrone Howard. This conversation will be designed to provide parents
and caregivers with tools, strategies, and resources that can be used in working with students around eliminating hate and hate language. We also encourage students to attend and be a part of this discussion. Many students learn behaviors and language from multiple sources such as social media and peers that are not always conducive for a healthy and inclusive learning environment. Dr. Howard will share how parents and caregivers can respond to inappropriate comments about race, gender, religion, sexual orientations and other social identities. Ultimately, this community conversation will focus on how we can work together to cultivate a caring community for all.
Date: April 5th (7-8:30 PM)
Register in advance for this meeting: Click Here!

- Professor
- Pritzker Family Endowed Chair in Education to Strengthen Children & Families
- Director, UCLA Pritzker Center for Strengthening Children & Families
- Director, Center for the Transformation of Schools
- Director, UCLA Black Male Institute
- Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
Books by Dr. Howard:
All Students Must Thrive: Transforming Schools to Combat Toxic Stressors and Cultivate Critical Wellness (2019). Rexford, NY: International Center For Leadership in Education.
No More Teaching Without Positive Relationships (2020). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America's Classrooms (2nd Edition). (2020). New York: Teachers College Press