Winter Staff Newsletter

Dear D102 Staff,

This edition is packed with district-wide updates and important resources to support you in your role. From celebrating outstanding educators to helpful tools for managing your personal information, we’ve got you covered!

In this issue, we invite you to Nominate an Educator to Spotlight and explore updates from Human Resources. You’ll find guidance on using Skyward for personal information updates, steps for filing a workman’s comp claim, and resources for managing your benefits, including details about the TRS Supplemental Savings Plan (SSP).

There are also exciting professional development opportunities, such as the ISU LBS1 Endorsements and Lewis University Graduate Programs. Don’t forget to check out our community engagement sections for activities like SAT proctoring at D204, local library updates, and upcoming D102 group volunteer opportunities.

Lastly, we’re spotlighting La Grange D102's McKinnon Art Gallery, open to all D102 to tour with their classroom. Lastly, we are showcasing our D102 Spiritwear—perfect for displaying your district pride!

As always, we are grateful for your dedication to our students and community. Let’s keep building on the success of this school year together!

Table of Contents

Human Resources

Professional Development

  • ISU is offering LBS1 Endorsements

  • Lewis University Graduate Programs

  • PAC & Lane Change


  • Local Libraries

  • SAT Proctoring at D204

Around the District

D102 Spotlights


Classroom & Activity Spotlights

We are looking for teachers to submit pictures of their classrooms and activity clubs highlighting the great work their students are accomplishing throughout the school year. Please be aware that all pictures will be used throughout district communication and social media. Follow the link below to submit your pictures and description of the activity being completed by the students OR submit them via social media using the hashtags above - make sure your account is set to PUBLIC.


What is an Educator Spotlight?

The hashtags #ThankYouD102Educators and #D102EducatorSpotlight were created to recognize and express gratitude to our incredible staff for their tireless dedication. This serves as a way to highlight their hard work, passion, and the positive impact they have on their students. This is meant to celebrate our staff members throughout the school year and their dedication to D102's mission, vision, and dedication to our core behavioral values. 🌟🍎


Need help with your technology? Submit a ticket!

For Technical Assistance:

  1. Click Here to submit a ticket. This link is also provided in the Staff Workroom area of our website.

  2. Click the "Sign in with Google" button, which will log you into your D102 email address and credentials.

  3. Hover over "Home" in the upper-left corner and select Create Ticket

  4. Click on your building

  5. Enter all the information you'd like to communicate

  6. Click the blue Create button in the lower-left corner 

  7. Done! 

Human Resources

Who's Who in D102

D102 HR Employee Systems



Life Event

  • Max Age for Insurance 

    • When your dependent child reaches the age of 26, he/she is no longer eligible for coverage under D102-sponsored benefits. The district will initiate the termination of coverage for a dependent turning age 26. Coverage is terminated effective the last day of the month in which the child reaches age 26. A disabled dependent child may be eligible for continued coverage after attaining age 26. 

A dependent whose health coverage is terminated due to loss of eligibility may be eligible for coverage continuation under COBRA. Upon termination of coverage, COBRA will automatically initiate and you will receive documents to your home address on file.

Medical, Dental, and Vision

  • 1. Navigate to:

  • 2. Log into your account.

  • 3. Click Change My Benefits

  • 4. Under 'Basic Info', click Change demographics. 

  • 5. Keep in mind this will take up to 7 days to update in all systems. 

  • 6. Change address.

  • 7. Follow the prompts on the screen to change your address. 

  • 8. Review and approve all changes.

Dental & Long Term Disability Insurance:

  • Go to the Guardian self-registration page  

  • Choose 'An employee of a company or a member of a Guardian group benefit plan' as your User Role.

  • Accept the terms and conditions 

  • LAGRANGE SCHOOL DISTRICT 102 Group_ID#00469601 (Long-Term Disability)

  • LAGRANGE SCHOOL DISTRICT 102 Group_ID#00468122 (Dental)

  • Create a username and password (use your personal email address)

  • Click Submit.

  • You can also, View, Print, Order ID Cards. 

Changing your personal information: 

  • From your Guardian account, click on benefits. 

  • Click on edit personal information.

  • Select my information.

  • Make any corrections needed.

  • Click submit.

Medical Insurance:

  • Blue Access for Members is your secure online portal where you can manage your health coverage. With BAM you can view all of your health plan information instantly from home! Now, your BAM account can be accessed on your smartphone with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Mobile App. Some features you can access with BAM include viewing a temporary ID Card, using Provider Finder®, viewing claims, and much more.

  • 1. Go to 'Sign Up or Log In'

  • 2. Enter Your Member Information

Once you’ve logged in to the online portal, you have access to these BAM resources!

  • Order a new ID Card or print a temporary card

  • Complete your health risk screening

  • Find doctors, health care providers, pharmacies, and hospitals

  • Get the most recent information on Care Coordination

  • View your prior authorization information

  • Learn about a variety of health and wellness topics

For any questions or help logging in, call Member Services at 1-877-860-2837

Planning for Retirement

The link below will take you to a complete listing of your available 403(b)/457(b) providers, including information about their available investment types, agent contact information, and online enrollment. In addition, you will find a Salary Reduction Agreement to start, stop, or change your deduction, as well as forms to request a transaction.

Contact Information:

Updating your Personal Information in Skyward


  1. Log into Skyward.

  2. Click on the Employee Information tab at the top left corner of your screen.

  3. Underneath the Employee Information menu, select Personal Information.

  4. On the left-hand side, click on the arrow next to the Demographics tab options for Employee Info and Address.

  5. To make changes pertaining to your phone number, name, or race, click on the

    Request Changes button under the Employee Info section. Make the necessary changes in the pop-up screen. Click the Save button.

Note the following information: When making a legal name change, Human Resources will need to verify your updated social security card prior to making any changes in our systems.

6. To make changes pertaining to your home address or mailing address, click on the Request Changes button under the Address section. Make the necessary changes in the pop-up screen and click on the Save button.

Address Changes in Skyward

AESOP (Employee Management)

Reminder to Check Sick Leave Balances

  • Located in the Staff workroom you will find the Frontline Central Icon

  • Log into your Frontline Central Account using your district email address and password

  • From the Frontline Absence Management Screen, you will look to the left hand side and select "Account". 

  • Here is where your personal information will be stored, along with your phone credentials, shared attachments, and absence reason balances.

  • You will select the Absence Reason Balance to view your sick, personal, or vacation days.  

  • Once the absence is saved, you will see a message with a confirmation number, and the absence will appear under the "Scheduled Absences" tab.

All issues and discrepancies should be address to HR, please contact David Holt directly at or (708)

Name Change Request Form

new name

You can find both forms via Frontline Central in the "Forms I can start" tab on your Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the D102 Staff workroom

  2. Click on the Frontline icon

  3. Use your D102 email to log in.

  4. Click on Frontline Central 

  5. In the left-hand navigation menu, click on My Forms 

  6. Click on Forms I Can Start  (you may need to allow pop-up blockers if you see the warning in your address bar)

  7. Fill in the required information (at the top, you will want to toggle the "Display Sensitive Information button)

  8. Type your name next to the Digital Signature bar

  9. Submit form

Need a new ID Badge? 

Forms are online to request a new ID badge located in your D102 frontline account!

Please use the following link to find a short tutorial video to help with this process.

  1. Navigate to the D102 Staff Workroom

  2. Click on the Frontline Icon.

  3. Use your D102 email to log in.

  4. Click on Frontline Central.

  5. In the left-hand navigation menu, click on 'My Forms' 

  6. Under the 'My Forms' header at the top of the screen, click the section titled 'Forms I can Start.'  

  7. Locate the ID Badge Request Form. 

  8. On the right-hand side of the form, click "start form' 

  9. You may need to toggle the display sensitive information button located at the upper right-hand corner of the form.

W-4 Planning 

If you need to update your W-4 withholding tax information you can do so by accessing the form located in Frontline Central.

  • On the right hand side of the navigation panel select the tab labeled "My Forms"

  • From the forms screen you will the tab titled: "Forms I can Start"

  • Select "Start this Form" for the document titled "

    IL W-4 - Illinois Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate" or "Federal W-4 Form 2024".

Please note you might need to toggle the button on the top right corner to display sensitive information to put in your birthday and social security information.

How to file a workman's comp claim

In case of a workplace injury - contact the injury hotline at (855) 921-9518, they are available 24 hours a day.

  1. An Injured employee must notify their supervisor.

  2. An injured employee must immediately call the Company Nurse hotline.

  3. Company Nurse will gather information over the phone and help the employee access appropriate medical treatment.

  4. Report the injury to your building's Health Office and complete the medical injury report.

*If the injury is severe, call 911 immediately and complete other steps when you are able. 

Visit online at:

Complete your GCN Training 

The mandated training that each employee is required to complete is determined by ones’ role within the district. Your training list automatically reflects the total number and types of training you are required to complete. For example:

Please follow the instructions below:

Returning Users:

  1. Enter the Organization ID: 143208a and click submit

  2. Enter the user ID you created when you first enter as the first-time user and click submit

  3. You will receive a screen asking you to confirm or update your location information. If the information is incorrect please update it and if it is correct click submit

  4. Finally, you will arrive at your list of required training. Please continue completing your training. 

First-time Users:

  1. Link to GCN training suite:

  2. Enter the Organization ID: 143208a and click submit

If you have questions please contact Human Resources at

TRS Supplemental Savings Plan (SSP)


The first thing we want to share with staff is that the District will be participating in this plan this school year. The District is completing setup and employees will be able to sign up in the near future. We will be communicating when staff will be able to sign up. 

We want to make sure that we include the following information (found within the link:

The SSP is an optional savings plan that allows you to dedicate a portion of every paycheck to a 457(b) deferred compensation plan administered by Voya Financial, a national leader in retirement security for millions of Americans.

The SSP is designed to supplement your existing TRS pension - not replace it. As an SSP member, when you retire and start receiving your monthly pension, you also will be able to draw on the money you've saved in your SSP account as you see fit.

The SSP is an option for active TRS members who are full-time or part-time contractual employees. Retired and inactive members are not eligible to participate in the SSP.

When you save money with the SSP, you also will choose how to invest those funds to help meet your future retirement needs. Voya will administer your SSP account while TRS will continue to oversee your pension.


You are invited to attend a live, online informational webinar to help you learn more about the new Supplemental Savings Plan from the Teachers' Retirement System and Voya Financial.

These webinars will explain the advantages to you if you join the SSP, as well as the powerful planning and educational resources offered by Voya that can help you Bring More to your retirement.
Representatives from TRS and Voya will introduce the new plan, outline the next steps and take your questions.

Please attend one of the online sessions. Go to: and follow the prompts to sign up. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

If you are unable to join a live webinar, you can view a recorded webinar at this link

The SSP is a 457(b) retirement savings account that:

  • Is completely voluntary for participating members

  • Is designed to supplement a member’s TRS pension – not replace it

  • Will offer both pre-tax or Roth savings options

  • Allows members to make investment choices and determine contribution/deferral amount

  • Was designed by TRS to be a competitive, cost-effective defined contribution plan

• The SSP is not a 403(b) plan. Contributions to a 403(b) plan do not affect how much an employee can contribute to the SSP.




PAC and Lane Change

In an effort to simplify the Lane change and PAC payout process, we have created a high-level overview, which can be found on our D102 website in the staff workroom or by clicking the following link:

Lane Change

Once you have received a master's degree, you will need 180 hours to make a lane change. Please only allocate the exact number that you need using the split hours tool if needed.  You must complete this step and ensure that final transcripts are attached in the system by July 30th, 2025. New lanes will be reflected on the 2025 Salary Letter. 

PAC Payouts

Utilizing the Frontline Professional Development (My Learning Plan), you are responsible for putting in your coursework, tracking the approval, and allocating hours for your PAC Payout. A PAC payout is only for teachers currently at Masters plus 48. ONLY allocate your hours for a PAC payout when you have the total required amount of hours/credits needed. Please note a lane change and PAC payout cannot be submitted for the same year. PACs are due in the system by June 6th, 2025. 

1 PAC = 15 Credit Hours 

The maximum PACs that can be paid out in one school year is 20. 

PAC Sheet


Credit Hours






























































Tuition reimbursement 

Please submit all tuition reimbursement requests by June 6th, 2025.  All courses must be entered into the Frontline Professional Development (My Learning Plan) and marked as complete.  You can send all official Transcripts to the Administration Center or electronically to the Attention of Lindsey Foster, Human Resources, or

If you are leaving the district, we encourage you to print your "transcript" of PACS, courses, and CPDUS you may have earned and entered into Frontline.  

  1. Login to your Professional Development account in Frontline (My Learning Plan) 

  2. Click on My Info

  3. Click on Print or Download Transcript 

 This will print a transcript of what you have entered into the system.

ISU is offering LBS1 Endorsements & MORE!


The Department of Special Education at ISU has designed a couple of programs to help you grow your own special educators from within your current educator workforce. 

Firstly, our LBS I graduate certificate program is designed for general education teachers who already have PELs to earn their LBS I endorsement. This 15-credit hour, fully online program can be completed in one year and is great for current teachers interested in gaining more skills and knowledge in working with all types of students in their classrooms or transitioning into a full special education role.

Secondly, our PULSE program is designed to help special education paraprofessionals with at least 2 years of classroom experience earn their PEL with an LBS I endorsement.  This fully online program is streamlined to specifically meet the educational needs of experienced paraprofessionals, who retain their paraprofessional jobs throughout the two-year program. PULSE can help your district retain and upskill your paraprofessionals to become fully licensed special educators.

Several other online programs are detailed in the attached flyer, including our Master’s in Special Education and Director of Special Education programs. All programs are also currently accepting applications for the fall ’24 term.

Lewis University Graduate Programs


Lewis University offers a 20% tuition discount to employees of LaGrange School District 102 who enroll in courses online or at any Lewis University site.

To receive the discount, the student’s employment must be verified prior to the beginning term. It is the student’s responsibility to have the Employment

Verification Form below completed by an authorized Employer Certifying Official or Human Resources Official and sent to the Business Office. The discount will not be applied until this is received. Students may be eligible to apply for state and federal aid programs. Students are not eligible for any other Lewis tuition assistance, including graduate assistant positions.

Trinity Christian College Professional Development Series



La Grange Park Library



SAT Proctoring at D204

Lyons Township High School District 204 is in need of Saturday proctors for upcoming national SAT test dates. Please pass this along to staff at your school/district who might be interested in earning a little extra money.

All proctors are trained before the test.  Proctors do not need to be a certified or licensed educator, but they do need to be over 18 and employed by a school district.  Please note that if you are a paid test tutor or have taken the test within 180 days, you are not eligible to be a proctor.

SAT time commitments are generally 7:00am – 12:00pm. Proctors are paid by the College Board and the compensation for 2024-2025 is below: 

Digital SAT

Proctor - Standard Room


Proctor - Accommodated Room


Monitor - Room or Hallway


If you are interested in proctoring, please complete this proctor form and we will be in touch closer to the test dates.

Please contact Laurie DeKruiff ( with any questions.

Community Giving

In LaGrange School District 102, we are committed to engaging families and the community by eliminating barriers to access, in particularly those related to culture, socioeconomic status, and language. We commit to identifying equitable practices to improve engagement with all families and diverse community stakeholders.

 In support of our vocalized commitment, the district has a new initiative in Cheri’s Caring Closet located at Congress Park Elementary School. It is a physical closet that accepts clothing donations from our communities; with the purpose of providing needed clothing items to D102 students.



Make a Donation

The La Grange D102 Community Fund aims to bridge the gap between donated supplies and additional resources needed to meet the diverse needs of our students. Recognizing that some families in our district face economic challenges, we believe in the power of unity and collective support. When you donate, you contribute to a general fund, which would be used to purchase supplies otherwise not donated through Cheri’s Caring Closet. Some examples of how these funds might be used would be to purchase items such as food, clothing, school supplies, beds, etc.

D102's McKinnon Art Gallery

The McKinnon Art Gallery is located in the heart of Park Jr. High School. Throughout the years, various pieces of art work has been shared throughout District 102. When the Salt Creek Foundation realized some of the art pieces in our collection, and decided to work together, in partnership, to assist fund the art gallery for the students and community to enjoy. They were able to gather all the art pieces and host them all in one location.

Slider is playing

Learn more about the history of the McKinnon Art Gallery within D102, and the art collection we have displayed. Teachers are able to submit a request for a guided tour for their class.

Visitors are welcome to visit the gallery with a guided tour with an appointment, prior to their visit. Those wanting to visit the art gallery must complete the form below and request a tour date. Once submitted, you will receive communication within 2-4 days.

Referral GPS

Referral GPS - Connecting People to Treatment:  We are committed to creating a culture of well-being for students, staff,  parents, and the community. In an effort to continuously support this commitment, the district has entered an agreement with ReferralGPS. 

ReferralGPS is a web-based service focused on assisting our students,  staff, and community in finding local mental-health and substance use-related treatment. The service compliments the districts existing systems of support as a tool for student service teams and families to connect with treatment. Along with a searchable database of treatment options, ReferralGPS provides Care Navigation to assist families in triage, appointment setting, and follow-up care. 

School families may access ReferralGPS in two ways: 

  1. Visit this link at to search for treatment resources or connect with a Care  Navigator anonymously. 

  2. Contact Student Services (social workers, psychologists,  counselors) to seek out treatment options. 

ReferralGPS takes into account all types of private and public insurance including PPO, HMO, Medicaid, Medicare, and families who are uninsured or underinsured. The platform also filters by age, gender, zip code, and special requests. 

ReferralGPS is available for use by district students, staff, and families at no cost. All information entered on the ReferralGPS tool is completely confidential and securely stored. 

If you are interested in seeking counseling-related services at this time,  please consider visiting or reaching out to the Student Services team.

We're Hiring




District 102 Spirit Wear


Placing Your Order

  • Orders will be processed immediately upon receipt

  • Typically orders take 7-10 business days to process

  • Orders are shipped directly to customers home

Have Any Questions?

◆ Give us a call at 517-606-0000

◆ Email for questions about sales, order help, inquiries about samples, etc.


Upcoming District Events

Jan 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

Jan 24: Report Cards Released

Feb 6: Board of Education Meeting

Feb 13: Embracing our Differences Art Show

Feb 14: Parent-Teacher Conferences - No School

Feb 17: Presidents Day - No School


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