It is never too early to start planning for college. This presentation will outline the college and financial aid process in general terms, lay the groundwork for what to expect with the college-going process, and provide tips and tools students and parents can use to learn more about planning, applying, and paying for postsecondary education.
About Illinois Student Assistance Commission
Providing Illinois students with information and assistance to help make education beyond high school accessible and affordable. ISAC's college access and outreach activities are focused on helping families navigate the numerous steps involved in career and college planning as well as finding, applying to, and paying for college. These activities provide tremendous support to improving the high school to college transition for students in need.
Spanish Presentation | Tuesday, April 12 from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. | Online
View the Spanish Flyer HERE
Speakers: Anayeli Crisantos & Miguel Tellez-Paramo
Link to Virtual Event:
English Presentation | Thursday, April 14, from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. | Online
View the English Flyer HERE
Speakers: Odalis Arcadio & Miguel Tellez-Paramo
Link to Virtual Event: