Summer Programming 2022
There will be no fee for these programs. Children will still need to be registered in PushCoin.
Registration opened on Friday, Feb. 4th at 6 p.m.
Registration closes on May 20, 2022, at 8 a.m.
Summer Programming Times: 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
3 Week Dates: Starts June 13, 2022, to June 30, 2022
5 Week Dates: Starts June 13, 2022, to July 21, 2022
No Classes on June 20, and July 4 through July 7
No Friday Classes
Destiny Imagination | Current Grades: K-5
Enriching experiences that build on prior knowledge through thematic units that include hands-on activities.
Dual Language | Current Dual Language Students Only | Current Grades: K-4
Current CP Dual Language Students continue to develop their Spanish communication skills in an interactive, fun, and engaging class.
Summer Bridge | Current Grades: K-6
Reinforcement of prior grade-level skills to better prepare for next year's grade level through focused instruction, hands-on & project-based activities.
Forest Road and Barnsdale Road Campus
Families with children who qualify for ESY based on their IEP will be contacted by their case manager.
Visit your child's PushCoin account for additional information, transportation
options, and registration