
When Ms. Nora Wagner is not at La Grange D102 helping students through physical therapy, she's Dr. Nora Wagner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. As a clinician, Wagner has treated a wide variety of clinical settings including Neuro, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Pediatrics.

This week Dr. Nora Wagner will be giving a joint presentation with an orthopedic surgeon specializing in pediatric spine conditions. The organization hosting the event is the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research for their national annual conference - 2022 PWS Research Symposium and Family Conference. 

Ms. Wagner is both Board Certification in Pediatric Physical Therapy and a Schroth Scoliosis Specialist. Because of her specialties, she was asked to present on the orthopedic impairments involved in a rare condition called Prader Willi Syndrome.  The focus of her presentation includes the musculoskeletal consequences of the disease including severe hypotonia (low muscle tone) and neuromuscular weakness and how they contribute to the development of an early onset neuromuscular scoliosis in children. It also aims to educate the families and clinicians on how to minimize these effects, reduce scoliosis curvatures or prevent them all together. 

The second presentation is also targeted for a disorder called Schaaf-Yang Syndrome. Similar to Prader Willi Syndrome, these children suffer from severe hypotonia, neuromuscular weakness and developmental delays that also increase their risk of early onset orthopedic impairments such as scoliosis.  

The dates of the conference and lectures are September 29th and October 1st. The audience is a nice mix of family, caregivers and medical professionals who work with patients with PWS and SYS. More information on the conference is on this link https://www.fpwr.org/blog/2022-pws-research-symposium-and-family-conference

The link to Ms. Wagner's session details are here. https://www.fpwr.org/blog/fpwr-2022-conference-speakers-announced
