School Hours & Calendar

8:15 am - 3:15 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

8:15 am - 2:30 pm

2024-25 Student Calendar

Safety Reminders

  • Stay on the surrounding sidewalks. Please do not walk through the east or west parking lots.

  • Please cross at the intersections. Crossing guards are stationed at the corners of Cossitt & Madison and Cossitt & Ashland.

  • NO DOGS on the blacktop or school grounds.

Morning Arrival

  • Students should arrive between 8:10-8:15 am. Students arriving before this time must have a parent/guardian present.

  • Arrival is on the blacktop on the north side of the school.

  • Students will line up with their class and enter the building at the bell. (Look for the yellow line on the blacktop indicating your child's homeroom teacher. Lines are marked west to east, K - 6th grade.)

  • Indoor Lineup: In the event of inclement weather, students will arrive on the north side of the building and line up inside with their class.

Late Arrivals & Absences

If your child arrives after 8:20 am they must enter through the main office (door #1) on Madison.

To report a late arrival or absence, please contact the attendance office:

Please review our Health Guidelines for keeping your child at home.


Students dismiss at 3:15 pm (2:30 pm Weds.) from doors #2 and #3 on the south side of the building.

  • Barnsdale bus riders will arrive near the main office (door #1) on Madison.

  • If you are utilizing the car line at dismissal, please pick up your child at the blacktop entrance / exit on Madison, and keep the line moving south. No U turns or driving through the east lot.

Early Dismissal

If your child needs to leave school early for any reason, please email your child's teacher and contact the attendance office at (708) 215-6241.


  • Students must be signed out in the main office (door #1 on Madison).

  • Students will be called down to the office when the parent / guardian arrives.

  • Please allow extra time for us to locate a child during lunch and recess.

  • Students will only be released to parents / guardians identified in PowerSchool.  Please see D102 safety announcement for more details.

It is the district’s policy that a student must be present for a full two-hour period (each) in the morning and in the afternoon to be considered “present” and not marked absent.

Inclement Weather

We want to ensure that our community is well-informed and prepared for any potential disruptions due to inclement weather. Our priority is the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and families.

Inclement Weather Guidelines

Snow Day Communication Plan

BASE / Right at School

If you are utilizing before and / or after school care through BASE or Right at School, please reach out to them directly regarding their specific arrival and dismissal procedures.


The PTC sponsors a Bike Safety Rodeo in September. At that event, students register bicycles with the LaGrange Police Department and must pass a safety course. After participating in the Bike Safety Rodeo, students in grades 3-6 are approved to ride their bicycles to school under the following provisions:

  • Proper bicycle safety is followed.

  • Wearing a bicycle helmet is strongly encouraged

  • Each student must have their own lock

  • The school will assume no responsibility for lost or damaged bikes

Car Line & School Traffic

In order to create a smooth start and finish to our days, please review the following details and corresponding map:

  • Car line heads east on Harris and turns south on Madison.

  • Students should enter / exit the car on Madison near the blacktop entrance.

  • Cars should continue to drive south on Madison. Please keep the line moving!

  • No U turns or driving through the east parking lot.

  • Please be aware of students boarding and exiting school buses on Madison in the morning and afternoon.


  • There is NO PARKING on school days from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (signs are posted).

  • Stopping, standing, or parking on Harris or Madison will stop the flow of car line traffic and may result in a ticket. It may also interfere with school buses stopping to drop off / pick up students in the morning and afternoon.

  • Ashland between Cossitt and Harris is closed during arrival / dismissal. Staff and school buses only.

  • Lots directly to the east and west of the school, and on Ashland, are reserved for Cossitt staff only.

  • The Village of La Grange offers various parking options for parents and visitors.

Contact the main office at or 708-215-6200 with any questions or concerns.