Forest Road News 1/24/2025

School Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:

8:15am to 3:15pm - Lunch 11:20am to 12:10pm

Wednesday: 8:15am to 2:30pm - Lunch 10:55am to 11:55am

To report absences, please contact the following:
or dial

Important Dates to Remember

February 4 - Music Concert - 1st, 5th and Chorus (7-8pm)

February 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences

February 17 - President's Day - NO SCHOOL



A Message from Mrs. Stamer & Mrs. Cavaliere

Your child's Mid-Year Progress Report will be available through the Parent Portal on PowerSchool by 5pm on Friday, January 24th

As a reminder, the Mid-Year Progress Report lists end-of-the-year standards for that particular grade, subject, or course. It is expected that many students will not yet have mastered these end-of-the-year learning standards. Therefore, you can expect to see students listed as (2) - "approaching mastery" or even as (1) - "hav(ing) a partial understanding of the standard."

For instructions on how to access the Mid-Year Progress Report please use the following link:

Instructions for Accessing Your Child's Report Card

Instructions for Accessing Your Child's Report Card (Spanish Version)

You can print a copy of your child's Mid-Year Progress Report directly from the Parent Portal, but if you need a printed copy of the Mid-Year Progress Report, please use the link below to request a printed copy. Please note that the printed Mid-Year Progress Report will be in Black and White and available in the school office by Friday, January 31, 2025.

Request for Printed Copy of Student Report Card

Request for Printed Copy of Student Report Card (Spanish Version)

If you are new to D102, you may wish to watch the following video on D102's Standards Based-Report Card to help you become more familiar with it and how to read it.

Introduction to D102 Standards-Based Report Card - YouTube Video

If you have questions about your child's Mid-Year Progress Report, please contact your child's teacher directly.

See Inside Our Walls...

Agriculture In the Classroom!

Ag in the classroom was back in action in the 4th grade classrooms this week.  Students learned about where the food they eat comes from, and how long it takes to get from farm to table.  Mr. Galassini, from Cook County Farm Bureau, was fantastic!

1st Graders Make their Own Instruments!

As part of their science unit on sound, 1st graders make homemade instruments and create an amazing sound! 

Reminder about Smart Watches and Phones

Reminder: Beginning last May, D102 moved to having students leave their smartwatches in their lockers or backpacks. We recognize that many families have made a significant investment in purchasing one of these devices to help provide connectivity and access between the family and their child. However, we started to see how this level of connectivity began to cause harm and became distracting to students during the school day. While D102 schools first tried to work with students to put all watches into "School Mode", various incidents persisted and required teachers to divert their time away from instruction to address these types of issues. 

We are asking for support in helping our students and teachers minimize distractions and potential incidents of bullying for the safety of all students. D102 and Forest Road also has students keep their cell phones in lockers and backpacks during the school day and we extended that practice to smartwatches as well. Connectivity is here to stay and provides many benefits to us all. However, in the interest of keeping students safe and our primary focus on learning, we are putting this practice of keeping phones and smartwatches in lockers and backpacks in place. 

Should a student wear a smartwatch to school they will be asked to remove the watch and put it in their locker or backpack. Should a student have out their phone during the day, they will be asked to put it in their locker or backpack. They can put their watch back on at the end of the day for dismissal. After one warning, the teacher will hold the watch or phone on their desk for the day and return it at the end of the day. The next time it will be sent to the office for a parent/guardian to pick up. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Message from Dr. Covino - D102 Superintendent

Ensuring Safety and Support for All D102 Families

Dear D102 Families and Community Members,

As the political landscape transitions to the new administration, we recognize that there are students, families, and members of our community who may feel concern, uncertainty and fear with the news of potential action from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) within the school setting.

LaGrange School District 102 (D102) believes that schools are at their best when they are a safe place for students to learn and for families to support students in that learning.

Dr. Tony Sanders, State Superintendent for the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) affirmed, “ISBE firmly believes that schools should be a safe haven for all students, where students should be able to learn without fear. We can and should do everything within our power to protect our students and their right to learn while in our care.”

Anytime there is a threat to the stability of one’s family, one’s peers, or community, it is incumbent upon all of us to provide aid, support, and resources to those among us in need.

What follows is key information for families and community members:

  • Current Federal law prohibits schools from sharing student or family information on documentation status. Additionally, this is not information that D102 maintains.

  • Visitors, including ICE, are not allowed access to non-public areas of our schools without explicit permission and must have a clear, stated purpose for being on school grounds.

  • ICE agents will be prohibited from requesting information or taking action on school grounds without a specific judicial warrant signed by a federal judge.

  • If at any time ICE Officials contact or visit our schools the district will immediately consult our legal team for guidance.

  • D102 has developed and communicated with staff a comprehensive plan and approach for supporting families including aspects related to student safety and sensitivities.

  • The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Immigrant Justice: The Resurrection Project and ISBE can provide families with additional resources, information or supports.

  • To date, there have been no confirmed reports of a student being left at school due to ICE action. If something were to occur, updated emergency contact information will be critical. Additionally, families can complete an Affidavit of Enrollment and Residency (English / Spanish), or Petition for Appointment of Short-Term Guardianship. It is also important to have a Family Safety Plan.

All families are encouraged to update their emergency contact information within PowerSchool so the district has the most current and accurate information. If an emergency should arise the district can ensure there are options if a student’s typical way of getting home is unavailable. Contact the office of your child’s school if you need assistance.

D102 is committed to safeguarding the well-being and dignity of every student, fostering a sense of belonging, and maintaining a productive educational environment for all.


Christopher Covino, Ed.D.

District Superintendent on behalf of the D102 Administration

Curriculum Corner

Science learning at Forest Road is an exciting blend of exploration, discovery, and collaboration! Guided by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), teachers provide students with opportunities to engage in hands-on experiences that bring science concepts to life. From observing mealworms and conducting dissections to creating models of space and growing plants or mold, students are immersed in activities that spark curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world around them.

In addition to hands-on investigations, students enhance their nonfiction reading skills by exploring books and articles about scientific phenomena. These texts help build knowledge and vocabulary while supporting critical thinking. Science lessons also provide valuable opportunities for students to practice interpersonal skills through group work and partner activities, fostering collaboration and communication. Together, these experiences inspire students to think like scientists, work like a team, and develop a lifelong love for discovery!

Forest Road Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Kindergarten Parent Information Night

Information HERE

STEM Expo Registration

Information HERE

Before & After School Care Info.

After School programs:

BASE Program - Leanna Hartung - Manager

Right At School

Matthew Pirkle -Area Manager 

C: 773.556.5938


Car Line - Drop Off and Pick Up Instructions


Forest Road Bus Routes


Free & Reduced Online Application

Forest Road Clubs

New to Forest Road - Board Game Club

Sign Up by Grade level here:

Grades 1-2:!/products/2PPUEVHHZI

Grades 3-4:!/products/CWFHZLLIYD

game b


PTO Corner

Link to the PTO Newsletter HERE

Upcoming Events


Save the Date!

Saturday April 12, 2025 for District 102's annual Race to the Finish 5K and 1 Mile Run/Walk taking place at Cossitt Avenue School. Kick off the spring right!

Student Directory is LIVE!

The District 102 Student Directory is now live.  It can be found at, or you can download the free app for your phone: 

       - iPhone - 

       - Android -

Your username is the email address provided to the district when registering your student with the district.  To set up your account for the first time or if you've forgotten your password, please go to the Login screen, type in your username, and select "Forgot Password".

Once logged in, families should be able to edit their information through the website.  If you are having trouble logging in or have any questions, please email Erin at for help.

My Guy & I Bowling


Gals & Pals Dance


Talent Show!

It's time for the 2024-2025 Forest Road Talent Show!

This night was such a great time last year! Please consider signing your Roadrunner up to show off their talent or consider attending to see some fantastic acts!

More information


Community Corner

The Westchester Food Pantry

The Westchester Food Pantry is in desperate need of brown paper bags (with handles) as the holiday season approaches. If you have any bags (ex. Mariano's, Trader Joes) please send them in with your child to the main office. We appreciate your help!


Connected and Protected: A Digital Parenting Workshop


Information HERE

Art with Heart

Information HERE

D102 Cheri's Closet


Renew D102


Take the Survey, Make a Difference! Your insights will guide big decisions for D102 schools. Let us know what matters most to you by completing our community survey today! Every response matters.

¡Haz la encuesta, marca la diferencia! Sus puntos de vista guiarán grandes decisiones para las escuelas D102. ¡Háganos saber lo que más le importa completando nuestra encuesta de la comunidad hoy! Cada respuesta es importante. "