Congress Park Dolphin Newsletter
2025-26 Registration
Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is Open.
Online Enrollment and Residency Verification applies to ALL students every school year. Enrollment involves going online to fill out and update the required information for your student. Please be sure to verify that all information is correct - i.e. addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contacts, etc.
This process can be completed via your computer, tablet/iPad, or similar. Please note - you cannot complete online registration on a cell phone or through the PowerSchool App.
If you have multiple students, you must enroll each student separately.
You, as the parent/guardian of your child, should be listed as the first emergency contact.
If you lease a property or reside with someone within D102 boundaries, we request that you submit an updated lease or the Residency Affidavits each year.
If your address has changed from what we have on file, you must provide new residency documents. You can upload new residency documentation as a part of this online registration, or drop off those documents at your child's school of attendance.
Residency information may be requested from returning families after the online registration has been submitted.
Your student's enrollment is not confirmed until you have completed all steps and provided the required paperwork.
Student Council Fundraiser for Hinsdale Humane Society
Student Council is collecting items for the Hinsdale Humane Society through April 17. They are in need of paper towels, towels, clean bedding, blankets and toys. Items can be dropped off at CP or ordered directly through their Amazon or Chewy wish lists. Donations of gift cards, cash, and volunteer time are also greatly appreciated!
If your child will be absent from school, please contact This is a quick and easy way to communicate with the health office about your child's absence.
Congress Park Parent Calendar
Congress Park activities can be found on the District website, or parents can subscribe to our Parent Google Calendar. Follow the link to subscribe. Congress Park Parent Google Calendar
Commercial Lunches
As outlined in our Parent Handbook, we kindly ask that commercial lunches, such as McDonald’s, not be brought in during the school day. If a lunch of this type is dropped off, your child will enjoy it in the office. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a healthy and consistent environment for all our students.
3/21 - Spring Carnival
3/25 - Dental Clinic at CP
3/28 - Coffee with the Principal
3/28 - IAR Testing Ends
3/28 - Registration for 2025-26 School Year Closes
3/31 - 4/5 - Spring Break
4/11 - Flying High PIzza Fundraiser Event
From our Congress Park PTO
Spring Carnival - TONIGHT!!!

Space and supplies at Caring Kids Club meetings are limited to the number of students in the sign up. PLEASE ONLY SEND YOUR CARING KID AFTER SIGNING THEM UP IN THE SIGNUPGENIUS.

Pizza FUNdraiser Event at Flying High

PTO is Searching for a Green Thumb!

District 102 Parent Night

Park Patriot Summer Basketball Camp
Park Junior High Summer Basketball Camp
Compete, work on your skills, HAVE FUN!
Camp Features:
Instruction from Park Junior High Coaches
Individual skills and drills (shooting, passing, dribbling)
Team drills
Location: Park Junior High - 325 N. Park, La Grange Park
Dates: June 9 - June 26 (No camp on Fridays or June 19)
Who: Boys and Girls entering Grades 4-8. Please note each grade level is limited to 60 participants.
Boys entering Grade 8: 8:00-9:00 a.m.
Boys/Girls entering Grade 4,5,6: 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Girls entering Grades 7,8: 11:00 a.m.-Noon
Boys entering Grade 7: 11:00 a.m.-Noon
Cost: $75.00 per student Includes t-shirt (size options: YL, YXL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, AXXL). Please choose the size at the time of registration.
Registration: Online through PushCoin. Sessions will no longer be available on PushCoin once max enrollment is reached.
Direct Questions to Ryan Malloy -