Congress Park Dolphin Newsletter


Dear Congress Park Community,

I hope you enjoy the long weekend and find wonderful moments to spend with family. We look forward to coming back together on Tuesday!

Fall Assessment Mailing Information

Parents and guardians of second through sixth graders, please keep an eye out for a mailing that includes reports regarding your child’s progress. This mailing will contain three cover letters:

The student reports included in the mailing will feature:

Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR): English Language Arts and Mathematics reports for students in grades 4-9 (covering last year’s grade 3-8)

MAP Student Progress Report: Fall Math and Reading results for students in grades 2-8

FAST Family Report (FastBridge): Reading report for current grade 2 students only

Be sure to review these documents for valuable insights into your child's academic progress.

Halloween - Schedule of Events for Thursday, October 31st

2:00 - Parade

Following parade - Class Parties

The morning hours remain intact to preserve classroom instruction. Students will have the opportunity to go home for lunch and to get into costumes.

Halloween parties will take place in the afternoon and will be organized by the room parents. 

Please know that we want this Halloween to be an enjoyable time for everyone. It is in this spirit that we ask you to make sure costumes are school appropriate - no weapons, celebrations of violence, or gore.

In order for students to safely enjoy the school parade, please be sure that a mask does not obstruct your child’s view and that costumes are not too long or difficult to manage staircases.

If you would prefer for your child to not participate in the Halloween parade or activities, please notify your child’s teacher. We will make alternate arrangements.

I am also linking a great article with tips for a healthy halloween experience. We’re looking forward to a great celebration and continuing this District 102 tradition!  Happy Halloween!

Additional Halloween information will be shared next week.

Halloween Tips

Kind regards,

Amy Grieve

Congress Park Principal


Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found is overflowing!!! Please stop by to claim your items, and remind your children to check the lost and found table as well.

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Health News

Kindergarten and 6th Grade families - please make sure to submit your child's school physical to the health office.

Exclusion date is October 15.



If your child will be absent from school, please contact This is a quick and easy way to communicate with the health office about your child's absence.

Congress Park Parent Calendar

Congress Park activities can be found on the District website, or parents can subscribe to our Parent Google Calendar.  Follow the link to subscribe.  Congress Park Parent Google Calendar

Commercial Lunches

As outlined in our Parent Handbook, we kindly ask that commercial lunches, such as McDonald’s, not be brought in during the school day. If a lunch of this type is dropped off, your child will enjoy it in the office. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a healthy and consistent environment for all our students.


10/12 - PTO Caring Kids Club Food Pantry Event

10/14 - No School - Indigenous Peoples' Day

10/15 - PTO Boosterthon Kickoff

10/15 - Renew D102 Community Workshop #1

10/17 - Board of Ed. Meeting - PJH

10/18 - PTO Trunk or Treat

10/19 - PTO Caring Kids Club Food Pantry Event

10/22 - 2nd Grade Brookfield Zoo Field Trip

10/23 - Fire Drill

10/24 - PTO Boosterthon

10/25 - Boo Gram Orders Due

10/29 - Renew D102 Community Workshop #2

From our Congress Park PTO

PTO Meeting Cancelled

Boo Grams

What to spread some spooky cheer to Congress Park students or staff on Thursday, October 31st? Send them a Boo Gram (Lollipop Ghost) for only $1 each! 



Day of the Dead


PTO is excited to sponsor the Day of the Dead celebration at Congress Park. Parent and student volunteers are needed to help make decorations for our school display. Sign up below! 

CP Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertos


Trunk or Treat

Join us for Congress Park's annual Trunk or Treat event on Friday, October 18th, from 6:00-8:30pm. Please sign up below to register your car or to volunteer! You can also support this event by donating bags of treats to our candy eating monster who is set up in the main office. Thank you!



PTO Boosterthon



Log on to today

Box Tops for Education


Caring Kids Club



PTO Volunteer Opportunities




D102 Facility Workshop Meetings



Additional information about these Community Engagement meetings can be found HERE

Patriot's Pen Essay Contest for 6th Grade Students


Calling All Young Entrepreneurs!

The Brookfield Women’s Club and The Compassion Factory are hosting the 3rd annual Young Entrepreneur Market on November 10 from 1:00-4:00 pm, highlighting young entrepreneurs' services, goods, and handmade arts and crafts.

There are limited spots, but more than previously due to our new location at SE Gross Middle School in Brookfield. Apply today so you can join us!

Know a budding or seasoned young artist, crafter, business owner, maker, creator, etc. grades 4-12? Share with young entrepreneurs so they can join us too!

Apply and more details at

Questions? Contact us at

Brookfield Women's Club
